28 February, 2009

Weekly Link Roundup

  • Schoolhouse - Software - Homework manager for OS X.
  • Not Great - Video - The coming collapse of the middle class.
  • Credit Crisis - Video - The current credit crisis succinctly explained with spiffy graphics.
  • Ron Asks - Video - Ron Paul asks, "What if the American people learned the truth?"
  • VideoTrace - Video - Amazing video editing/3D modeling software.
  • Story of Stuff - Video - Neat little video about consumerism. Not terribly accurate in the technology aspect and pretty biased, but still some good statistics.
  • Louis CK "Everything's amazing, nobody's happy." - Video - Excellent and hilarious video about our generation's view on the world.
  • Stephen King on Twilight and Stephanie Meyer - Article - What he really thinks.
  • Interview with an Ad-ware author - Article - A ruby coder talks about his early days helping install adware on millions of computers.
  • What the F***? - Article - Steven Pinker on profanity and taboos. Excellent article.
  • Wal-Mart Growth Map - Other - Visualization of the spreading of the evil empire.
  • STA Travel Intership - Other - STA Travel is looking for two students (or non-students under 26) to send around the world promoting intercultural connections and inspiring people to travel abroad. Submit your 2-3 minute application video by March 8th.
  • Sunlight Labs Apps for America Contest - Other - This contest is run by the Sunlight Foundation, whose mission statement is this: "The Sunlight Foundation is a non-partisan non-profit dedicated to using the power of the Internet to catalyze greater government openness and transparency." They're looking to give away up to $15,000 for the best application using their APIs "that makes Congress more accountable, interactive and transparent." Sound pretty awesome to me. Deadline is March 31st.
This is the first in a series of posts recounting interesting things I've found on the 'net over the past week. Enjoy.


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